Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Setting Your Sails with the Changing Tides of Healthcare Reform

Christopher Provines, CEO,
Value Vantage Partners
From a pricing standpoint, Healthcare Reform is a looming ocean of uncertainty and challenges that many in the field find daunting.   The “new normal” of healthcare will demand that suppliers and their teams change their sails and aggressively defend value and pricing. 

Those awash in this sea of changing tides can find solace in Christopher Provines’ 23 years of expertise in the healthcare marketplace. 

Christopher will be interacting with attendees on the actions and strategies of competitive pricing, marketing, and sales teams. 

Each attendee will procure a copy of his book, Strategic Pricing for Medical Technologies (2012), and will have the opportunity to discuss in depth:
  1. The drivers of change including ACOs, value-based purchasing, bundled payments, hospital supply chain changes, value analysis committees, physician trends, and payer quality incentives
  2. How to quantify and connect your value proposition to customers’ evolving payment models, risk profile, and quality incentives
  3. Dealing with different customer buying behaviors and negotiation tactics, the importance of adapting and designing your pricing strategy, and models that consider the evolving healthcare marketplace. 
Christopher Provines will be leading the workshop, The Perfect Storm: Selling and Pricing in the Age of Healthcare Reform at the PPS Conference in Atlanta.  www.pricingsociety.com/atl2013



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