Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hit the Pause Button While Navigating Through Procurement

Learning how to hit the pause button while navigating through the procurement department is one of the best ways to building bridges with procurement. Today, more and more customers are setting the rules of this new social economy.  What once was the wind at our back has become the wind in our faces.  It is necessary to revisit how we do business. 

Nelson Hyde, Director
Holden Advisors
Assessing the game of the customer is important; no one likes the ladder kicked out from under them.  Nelson Hyde will revolutionize the way you negotiate and price in the same way penicillin transformed medicine.  It’s going to ensure your survival. 
He teaches you how to hammer out your differences.  You’ll learn:
  • How to effectively pause during a negotiation,
  • Being prepared to mend fences,
  • Price matters – if you were having a pace maker put in, would you want the $2,000 model or the $6,000 model?  Clearly the latter!
 Nelson Hyde will be hosting the workshop Negotiating With Backbone at the PPS Conference in October.

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