Tuesday, September 24, 2013

3 Critical Ways Pricing Influences the Buyer’s Behavior

Leigh Caldwell is proving that pricing is not just a numbers game, it’s a mind game as well.

Leigh Caldwell on BBC News
With a background in mathematics, Leigh speaks and writes on the behavior of buyers, and how psychology can affect those decisions, creating maximum consumer demand for products. Creating data out of human behavior?  Absolutely. 

The proof is in the data captured within Leigh’s book, The Psychology of Price, he verifies how pricing tactics can:
  1. Modify and influence customers to allocate more money
  2. Direct them towards profitable products
  3. Ensure that the impression left on the customer is that he is in receipt of great value 
As Leigh states, there is no such thing as value for money.  To convince clients that they are receiving value, learn how to tap into their human emotions by sparking curiosity, creating a desire, and directing them towards your most profitable products. 
Leigh is a Partner at The Irrational Agency, and is Chief Executive of Inon Pricing Advisors.  Look for him as a keynote speaker at the upcoming PPS Atlanta Conference.

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