1. Pricing changes rapidly – Staying updated is critical: Get the latest methodologies, structures and discipline for your pricing practice
2. Pricing is key to forecasting: You can contribute to your company’s forecasting accuracy
3. Pricing can boost sales and margins: Learn how to leverage pricing and how it impacts sales activities
4. Pricing is your voice: Price is the first thing your customers see and hear about your product or services
5. Pricing means profitability: Boost profitability through pricing
6. Pricing is everywhere: Effectively and efficiently manage worldwide(global) pricing
7. Pricing is not only numbers: Get the confidence to expand to other areas of pricing you don’t know
8. Pricing is a key part of what you do: Coordinate and integrate Customer Segmentation, Negotiation Strategies and Quantitative Methods to increase profits
9. Pricing is not a onetime deal: Change the pricing practice from reactive to pro-active
10. Pricing is in the Board Room: Learn how to communicate and discuss pricing with the C-Suite.

1 comment:
This is a very good summary of key success factors for pricing organizations at any time, but especially now. I would like to see an expansion of each point as individual blogs. Knowledgable guidance for survival during this economic collapse is valuable for everyone, but is severely needed at the C level.
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